Authors are first and foremost dreamers, and as dreamers, we tend to see the bigger picture before we see what our next biggest step is supposed to be. For Felicity Fox, a successful Author Academy Elite children’s book author, that dream started way before she understood what it would eventually become. She started telling stories from childhood.
That childhood spark pushed her dream into action, much as it did for many of us who have dreamed of becoming authors our entire lives. And as an adult, she turned one of the childhood stories she created into a self-published book. Her choice to self-publish that first book boiled down to the hard work that she and her brother—who had illustrated the book for her—put into the book they were so proud of. “I couldn’t let the years of work go to waste,” Felicity said.
After she self-published that book, Where the Holidays Go, something even more magical happened. “Before I knew it, I met a family [member] at a get-together. She had my book in hand and said she owned a production company and would love to see my book on her stage.” Felicity remembers having her first book turned into a musical as such an emotional moment, especially when the crowd cheered as her name was announced at the end of the show. “I choked back tears. What a gift!”

Five years later, Felicity re-published Where the Holidays Go with Author Academy Elite. In those five years, Felicity said she struggled a lot with imposter syndrome. “I was still in disbelief of my success and thought, How could that have happened? I’m not worthy, and if they really knew I was just a dreamer, it wouldn’t have happened.” But that feeling went away soon when a local business contacted her to write a book about carousels. (Her town is considered to be the Carousel Capital of the World.) That gave her a renewed sense of purpose, and she jumped at the opportunity. “I am extremely spiritual, and when God wants something for your life, if you’re open to it, miraculous things happen.”
Like many of Author Academy Elite’s authors, Felicity found out about our publishing program through a Facebook promotion. She was skeptical at first, but she decided to go for it, and today, she’s glad she took that leap of faith. Her five-word advice for any non-AAE authors considering taking a chance—
“It will change your life.”
Becoming a published author through Author Academy Elite gave Felicity the boost she needed to proudly hold her head up and say that she, too, is an author.
She now attends author events regularly, and she has even participated in a book-signing event at her local Barnes & Noble. “[AAE] makes it more real for author events. Before, I was blessed to do them, but I felt like an imposter with my not-as-pretty-looking book. The real version and real book signing at Barnes & Noble was something dreams are made of.” This event was extra-special for Felicity because Barnes & Noble put the spotlight on her and her alone.
But Felicity’s story is not over and probably won’t be for a long time. She continues to write, and she’s even become one of The Guild’s talented editors-for-hire, editing AAE and non-AAE authors’ books. Her next book, The Ardendale Mysteries: Hidden Family Gems, is a young adult book, and her next children’s book is Where the Holidays Started. You can find out more about Felicity at her website——or you can follow her on Instagram.

Want to find out more about how Author Academy Elite can help you find your own unique path to success? Felicity Fox is only one of many success stories that we celebrate in our supportive author community. Felicity believes that “your story matters,” and so do we! Sign up for our next free webinar if you want to learn how you can join the ranks of our successful authors.
At 68 the carousel is still my favorite amusement park ride. Although I like all animals, I prefer the all-horse ones.
So cool!
Janet, I don’t think I responded to this. An interesting thing about this is where I live is known as the Carousel Capital of the World. The center that “runs” them heard about it and mentioned there isn’t a book about the carousels and I should do one. So, I did! It will be an upcoming AAE book in a few years. It is all about the carousels here, the history, the events, etc.
So cool!
Thank you for sharing this it is so inspiring. I love the opening lines – ‘Authors are first and foremost dreamers, and as dreamers, we tend to see the bigger picture before we see what our next biggest step is ‘ it is so true. !!!! I was going to self publish the children’s book I am currently writing and illustrating., but now I am an AAE student I will wait and submit it as my second AAE publication, once I have completed my first non-fiction book. Two books in one year, who could ever have ‘dreamt that’ I am so excited that AAE is helping my longtime dreams come true!!!! Thank you
I’m so happy to help in any way!
We are glad you are a part of AAE
I am the blessed one!
Felicity, your story spoke to my heart. I too have felt that creepy hollow whisper and it stopped me for many years. I am so proud of you taking action and fighting back. Now your book is changing lives. Our books are never for us, but they are for someone else. Thanks for the encouragement to keep going.
April! Thank you! Oh my goodness! ❤️
Felicity, this is so wonderful. I’m still dreaming of my book becoming a stage play. I know it’s possible, and I’m so glad that you had that experience.
When I drive by where the musical was, I still can’t believe it. To God be ALL the glory!
Love hearing about each author’s journey! Can’t wait to see what is to come from you in the future.
Thank you! My aim is to make the series into a live event. It’ll take years but, I’m excited!
Children’s authors – what a great talent to reach and influence the next generation with messages of fun, fantasy, hope, and vision!
So true!